Returns have never been easier

We partner with Happy Returns by PayPal to offer box-free, printer-free, and sustainable returns. Start your return online, select the items you wish to return and tell us why. Then, locate a Return Bar near you and use the QR code emailed by Happy Returns to complete your return drop-off in less than a minute.

  • Free returns
  • No box or label needed
  • Thousands of Return Bar locations nationwide
  • Refund initiated at drop off
  • Return Bar returns are more sustainable than mail returns

For Canada and International customers, please visit our International Shipping for a return instructions & label.

Happy Returns Return Bar Icon

Refunds at Return Bars

When you complete your return at a Return Bar, debit or credit card refunds are initiated immediately, but can take a few business days to post to your account (this is all based on how your credit card company handles refunds). Return Bar has 5,000+ locations nationwide. Find a location near you.

Happy Returns Return Bar Icon

Mail Returns only

Start your return online here. Box up your items, apply the label provided, and ship them back to us. You’ll get an email when your items have been received and your refund has been processed. Please allow up to 30 days for your refund to be initiated

Additional Guidelines

For a full refund on your credit card (minus shipping costs), your return must be postmarked within 30 days after your order is shipped.

All returned merchandise must be in "as-received" condition with tags and panty liners in place. If items are soiled, damaged, worn, used or in other than as received condition, they will be returned to the customer.

Merchandise received after 45 days of ship date will not be accepted for credit, reorder or refund. The items will be returned to sender.

Items purchased anywhere other than will be returned to the customer.

NO UPS Pickups will be provided for return packages; the customer must drop off the package.

We are here to help!

As always, Longitude Swim stands behind the products we sell. If for any reason you are not satisfied, please email us at  [email protected] or phone us at 1-866-315-6555, and we will try our best to remedy the problem as quickly as possible. Your satisfaction is our top priority!

For returns in Canada and International orders, please contact customer service at 877-838-7181 or visit our International Shipping & Returns for a return instructions.